Just a couple of snippets from the colorful language in my life:
The other day my mother offered me some Wendy's coupons. I said, "No thanks, I don't ever go to Wendy's. It's not any good."
She tried again: "June said the food's a lot better now because Arby's is out of there and they've got all new meat now."
"What has Arby's got to do with it?" I ask patiently. My mom, now 80, tends to cut and splice sentences like India does electrical wires.
"Well, Wendy's used to be in kahoots with Arby's and they were really dragging them down but now they got rid of Arby's and everything's better now."
Ever since Steve Jobs died, my Mac's home page has displayed his picture resulting in my students seeing him projected on my Smartboard in between activities. I briefly explained who he was to my first graders when they asked, not thinking much at all would register.
Yesterday my computer shut down in the middle of an activity with the first graders, so I shut off the projector, explaining that my computer was broken.
Julio, my rockstar student who doesn't miss anything, said, "You no can get it fixed because the man he died?"