Sixteen years and nine months ago, upon the failure of Magic Johnson’s oft-promoted method for safe sex, I said to my husband, “You know what this means.”
Without missing a beat, he said, “We’re having another baby.”
We had decided that our family was complete. It was settled. I had even looked with derision on people who got pregnant unexpectedly, thinking, “What do you mean you don’t know how it happened? There is such a thing as birth control.”
But here we were. Number four. An astronomical number. An embarrassing number. Not even Pat’s Catholic relatives had this many children. Our relatives sighed or were reproachful. Friends looked upon us with sympathetic eyes.
At first I prayed that I wouldn’t really be pregnant, that our family would remain as it was, each child planned, then conceived, with scientific precision. But when the fears were confirmed, our hearts changed, and we welcomed this pregnancy as the others.
With that heart change came the thought that what had happened was possibly, if not really, an act of divine intervention from a good God who knew that we didn’t know what was best for us, but wanted to bless us anyway. It’s hard for me to say that because I don’t breezily slap the label of “God did it” on things that are basic cause and effect. People who have sex should expect to have babies. Birth control methods fail.
Other than the general acknowledgement that all babies are “planned” by God, I can’t say for sure that He actively sabotaged our birth control method, so that we’d have Joanna. What I do know is that we were stupid to not want another child, and had we more say in the matter, we wouldn’t have “allowed” an unplanned pregnancy, but are so glad our plans were overruled.
So, Joanna is our child of grace, the incarnation of blessing promised to people undeserving, undesiring, even unwilling. We don’t know what’s best for us, but God does, and will act in ways for our good even as we ignore or even spurn Him. “Forgive them; they don’t know what they’re doing,” said Jesus, as sublime a statement of our condition and His heart I know of. “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” All action is from Him towards us, wave upon wave of inexhaustible, prolific, often unasked-for blessing.
Joanna is now a young lady, full of sweetness, affection, and compassion. She’s a happy soul, content with her lot, grateful for what at times have been scraps, yet always eager to push forward for what she wants and needs. Her teachable spirit puts me to shame. Literally every single day she has brightened and brought “more” to our lives.
We’re so glad she’s our “one who got through.”
Hi Terry, I thoroughly enjoyed both this piece and the one on "specialization". With regards to your Joanna piece, you should probably know that your family of six directly affected our decision as we were thinking about going ahead with number four. I remember looking around for those who had survived this transition well. Sure, I knew people who had more children, but....Ya'll have done a great job parenting your family and I celebrate with you over your beautiful Joanna.
You write, "We don’t know what’s best for us, but God does, and will act in ways for our good even as we ignore or even spurn Him." This is a God I can learn to trust... and love, even when He doesn't work in ways of my preference. Thanks for the reminder, Terry. And, what dear words about your daughter.
All of your children are so precious. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching Joanna grow up and every time I see her I am struck with what a beautiful young lady she is. When I see her, even if she doesn't see me, she makes me smile. If she does see me I am blessed by her sweet affection and a delicious hug. I think back to the days of WA basketball games and the pure mother joy of watching our three girls on the court (mine shooting with her eyes shut) and our two little ones playing together in the bleachers. What precious memories! nancy
Terry, did you know that our very good God is in complete control. Four is a beautiful number, isn't it. What would we be like without Judah? Please hug Joanna for me.
Thanks mommy! I'm glad you kept me!
love ya!
You know how much I adore Joanna. She has a merry heart. As it says in Proverbs, "a merry heart doeth good like medicine.' Thank you for sharing this beautiful tribute to God's sovereignty.
I can't imagine your family with any less than six. I really think that is what first drew our family to yours, the fact that your house was just overflowing with joy and children. It may sound strange, but looking back at your family and my own, I hope that my children will never want for playmates. I'm not in control of how many members my family will have, but I've definitely gained the view "The more, the merrier!"
Joanna is such a gift, and such a sweet young lady. Please hug her for me.
I love you Miss Terry. I'm so glad you were one of the people who helped me grow up. Aside from my own parents, there are few people who'd I'd like to make proud than you and Mr. Pat. But just to be safe, maybe I should try to refrain from any more illegal activities like trespassing on state property!
I miss you guys and hope to see you sooner rather than later.
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