Monday, October 8, 2007

The Skull....or The Three Skulls?

A little boy I know, 6, with his home-made wooden guitar asked me, "Which title for my song is best? "The Skull... or The Three Skulls"? Not wildly disparate, not even mildly disparate. Actually quite reasonable. He'd found what he liked, narrowed it down, and was searching for the best title.

Unlike me. I can't narrow down (either literally or figuratively). I just decided to start a blog during yesterday's sermon, and today I tried to think of a name, which is to try to figure out what the blog will be about, which is to say who am I, and what am I doing here?

I couldn't decide between: Don'tMashMyMilkyWay or NotaPlacidPool . The first comes from a funny story, and I thought my blog could be about all the things that make me laugh.

The second is from a striking statement in yesterday's sermon. My pastor Cole Huffman said, "The gospel is not a placid pool into which you dip and then spend the rest of your Christian life on the shore evaporating." I thought I would write about my clumsy attempts to "not evaporate", to live out what I say I believe, to drink deeply in rivers both clear and muddy.

Feeling scattered, aimless, like a person who flits from this to that, (which I am), I took solace in research. I looked at a blog I respect, Allthings2all.blogspot to become more familiar with blogging, and viewed there a video that spoke to my question.

Who am I? Am I a mobile phone salesman or an opera singer? And what gift do I bring? What is the point in this 50 year old woman writing a blog?

The answer is in my title. "Wildly disparate" describes my schedule, my interests, my heart. I hope that what I offer here will make you laugh, cry, smile, and sometimes bite your lip.

1 comment:

Susan Cushman said...

Bravo, Terry! I'm throwing e-roses at your blog. What an opening. You've set the bar pretty high, and we'll be reading. Just added your link to my favorites. See you at the Yoknapatawpha Writers Group in Oxford on the 27th!