Thursday, June 11, 2009

On the Importance of Pronunciation

"So you know Igor?" I asked a new student, having read her explanation of how she came to study ESL in Memphis. Igor studied with us a few months ago, but has since returned to his native Slovakia. Considering the girlfriend half his age and his brazen flirting with most of the female students and teachers, I wasn't too surprised to hear, "Igor is my passion!"

What she really meant to say was, "Igor's my patient." She's his dentist.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Pat's Mother's Passing

My wonderful mother-in-law died Saturday morning. In her honor, and for our own edification, we've created a blog in her memory. I was given the privilege of seeing her every day for these last two weeks of her life and my reflections are from that precious time. You can read "As She Was Dying."