Thursday, June 11, 2009

On the Importance of Pronunciation

"So you know Igor?" I asked a new student, having read her explanation of how she came to study ESL in Memphis. Igor studied with us a few months ago, but has since returned to his native Slovakia. Considering the girlfriend half his age and his brazen flirting with most of the female students and teachers, I wasn't too surprised to hear, "Igor is my passion!"

What she really meant to say was, "Igor's my patient." She's his dentist.

1 comment:

Tim Holler said...

I had a similar situation once with a client who claimed that women are just more "sensible" than men. She was Brazilian and I said, "Really?" As I probed further, I realized she meant "sensitive". We enjoyed that one!
By the way, I've jumped ship to Wordpress and my new blog is:,
if you're interested.

Hope you enjoy your writer's conference!