Wednesday, March 24, 2010

To Him for Whom Icecream is a Staple

Floating in that dreamy half-sleep, my pillow, the covers just right, the lights out, the house quiet. He bursts into the bedroom.

"Mm,mm." The sound of spoon on glass. Scrape. Scrape. Stir. "Mm." Chomp. Crunch. He's added those blasted chocolate chips. Smack. "Mm." He plops onto the bed. Mostly scraping now.

"Want some?" He asks cheerily, as if we're sitting next to each other on a park bench on some sunny afternoon.

"No. I just want to go to sleep," I whine. "Why do you eat ice cream just before going to sleep?" I snarl.

"Because I can't eat it while I'm sleeping."


Anonymous said...

Hilarious! This sounds just like Tom, from the scraping of the bowl to the "Mms." Thanks for making me laugh.

SarahEllen said...

I love ya'll!

TerryB said...

Sarahellen, I looked for you after church, but somehow missed you. It was wonderful to see you last night and I'm glad you're home safe. We told Natalie and Aaron about the underwear clad first client and they cracked up, too.